Welcome to F1RE and our technology blog
Allow me to give you a small introduction to F1RE.
About F1RE
F1RE is a young company, established in 2021. We are active in the model driven software engineering domain and work with clients that have a need for our knowledge and expertise within their projects. During our small history we’ve already worked on some great technical challenges.
Our goals
As a company we strive to achieve two goals:
First and foremost, create a workplace that is there for you. No red tape, hierarchy and shareholders that need pleasing. In my vision, a time in a company should be a time that you value for the rest of your career.
The second goal is to create the basis for you as a part of F1RE to learn and grow your technical skills. We are always looking for talent to join our team. We are diverse bunch from every corner of the EU. If you have some interest or experience in MDE, we have something in common!
If you want to know more, send me an email to get in touch.
About Maarten Fekkers
I am the founder of F1RE. Proud to work with great engineers and helping our customers with their MDE projects.
You can contact me at maarten@f1re.io.