Architectural views for software design

Architectural views for software design, a classification for software specifications

My Thoughts on LangDev 2023

The LangDev 2023 conference, hosted by the Belastingdienst, in Utrecht, was all about web integration.

JetBrains MPS Build Script Creation and Debugging Checklist

We will specify a checklist of steps for creating build scripts and one for fixing issues with them.

Presentation at MPS Community MeetUp about NSD Tool

We gave a talk "Communicating Complex logic with ease" at the 2023 MPS Community MeetUp in Munich.

Presentation at LangDev Conference about MPS Interpreters

We gave a talk "Fast, integrated and debuggable Interpreters in MPS and beyond" at LangDev conference.

Adding smart references using transformation menus

This post will follow a user friendly way of creating nodes, adding them to a location of our choice and referring to them from a smart reference, from the transformation menu of a smart reference.

My impressions on JetBrains MPS Advanced Course

Navigating through MPS is a tough ordeal when you are a beginner. Luckily there are resources for us that can help us with the process of learning to manipulate the tool. This post is my opinion on one such material - the MPS Advanced Online Course.

MPS language design patterns: Multiple generators for same language

If we need more than one generator for the same language, things can become complicated. With help of generation plans, we can sort generators apart cleanly, and let the user decide which ones to engage.

MPS Generators

Introduction to MPS Generators, and an explanation of the Loop macro statement.

What is Model Driven Engineering

In this post we will explain what model driven engineering and what a domain specific language is.